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Serving Santa Cruz & Monterey County

12 Benefits of Aging in Place

Article Posted On: Jul 26, 2023 • Author: Grace Newman
Benefits Of Aging In Place

Aging comes with a lot of challenges and big decisions to make. One decision that seniors face is if they want to stay in their homes or if they want to relocate to a residential facility or move in with family.

Many people want to stay in their homes. It is easy to see why this is a popular choice when we look at all the many benefits of aging in place.

Aging in place meaning

The National Institute on Aging says aging in place means staying in your home as you get older.

The CDC gives a more thorough definition: “The ability to live in one’s own home and community safely, independently, and comfortably, regardless of age, income, or ability level.”

The basic meaning of aging in place is that seniors stay in their homes and communities instead of relocating or moving into a residential facility.

Advantages of aging in place: Why stay at home?

There are many mental, emotional, and physical advantages of aging in place.

The 12 biggest benefits of aging in place are:

  1. Honoring Wishes: Aging at home respects seniors’ personal desires.
  2. Maintaining Independence: Home living promotes self-reliance and dignity.
  3. Preserving Privacy: Staying home offers unrivaled personal privacy.
  4. Comfort and Familiarity: A personal home provides comforting familiarity.
  5. Personal Routine: Seniors can maintain control of daily activities.
  6. Convenience: No relocation means avoiding associated hassles.
  7. Health Benefits: Home living can reduce the risk of facility-related infections.
  8. Emotional Well-being: Aging at home can boost self-esteem and reduce stress.
  9. Cost Savings: Home care is often less expensive than facilities.
  10. Community Connections: Existing social networks and local ties can be maintained.
  11. Customizable Modifications: Homes can be tailored to evolving needs.
  12. Personalized Care: Home care services can be custom-tailored to individual needs.

Now that we’ve listed the main perks, let’s take a closer look at each of these benefits and see why they make a real difference for seniors aging at home.

1. Honors their wishes

Many seniors want to age in place. The University of Michigan did a study that found around 88% of adults 50–80 years old felt it was important to remain in their homes as long as possible.

Being forced to leave their home can be devastating for seniors, so having their desire to stay in their homes is an advantage in and of itself. It allows them to live their life as they wanted and envisioned. It also shows that their family respects their wishes.

2. Independence

Staying in their home also helps seniors maintain their independence and autonomy. It gives seniors control over their life and dignity.

Aging in place requires seniors to be self-reliant and make decisions—from purchasing food and supplies to making sure that their needs are met, and their home is safe.

3. Privacy

A person’s home also provides more privacy than a residential facility, even if they have a private room.

4. Comfort and familiarity

Aging In Place Provides Comfort And Familiarity Of Staying At Home For Seniors

One of the biggest benefits of aging in place is the comfort of being at home. The sights, sounds, and smells are familiar (and often beloved).

The art, photos, furniture, and surroundings are part of their personal history. The home is full of memories.

They can have their pets and plants. They are surrounded by their things.

Many people feel safer and more secure at home. People often have a deep emotional connection to their homes.

5. Routine

People also like to be able to control their routines. They decide their daily schedule, when to eat their meals, when to shower, and when to go out.

They can continue their hobbies and activities as they previously have.

6. Convenience

Changing a person’s routine is not the only inconvenience of moving. People have to find where to move to and set up their new place. They have to sell their house and pack up their things.

Depending on how far they move, they may have to find new places to practice their hobbies, new favorite restaurants, and make new friends.

Not moving is a huge convenience.

7. Health benefits

The mental, emotional, and social benefits of aging in place can also improve their physical help.

Additionally, according to the NIH, each year, there are millions of infections in long-term care facilities. Staying at home keeps seniors safe from getting an infection that could shorten their life at a residential facility.

8. Emotional well-being

Aging in place is good for a person’s emotional well-being. Many people find staying in their homes empowering and good for their self-esteem. It can lead to a more positive self-image and quality of life.

It can also cause less stress and give people a sense of belonging to stay in their homes and communities.

9. Less expensive

Aging in place can be costly if seniors need home modifications and care. However, it is still considered less expensive than residential care facilities.

Assisted living facilities have a national median cost of $4,500.

Staying at home can be even more cost-effective if the senior owns their home or doesn’t need full-time care (or has friends and family as caregivers).

10. Lasting community connections

Many seniors have built connections in their community. They have relationships with neighbors, friends, and family nearby.

They are involved in clubs, organizations, or religious groups. They have favorite restaurants or places to spend time.

These social interactions are good for seniors and, according to the NIH, are correlated with less loneliness.

This is especially important when we consider the prevalence of social isolation in seniors and the serious risks associated with isolation.

Check out our article about Social Isolation in the Elderly.

Seniors can also make important social connections in residential facilities, but these take work and time—the importance of existing social networks should not be underestimated.

11. More customizable modifications

More Customizable Modifications For Seniors Trying To Stay At Home

Staying at home also allows seniors the freedom to install customizable modifications as needed, such as:

  • Ramps
  • Stairlift
  • Electric rising chairs
  • Automatic shut-off device for the stove
  • Motion-sensing lights
  • Adaptive phones, such as ones that are voice-operated, have large buttons, or have text capability
  • Adjustable bed and bed rails
  • Shower chair
  • Bathtub transfer bench
  • Hand-held shower head
  • Grab bars
  • Walk-in bathtub or shower
  • Commodes
  • Raised toilet seats or toilet seat risers
  • Bidet toilet seats, so they can get clean even if they have trouble wiping

Seniors could also undergo construction to make their homes more accessible, especially if they’re struggling with mobility issues — when it is their own home, they are free to make whatever changes and modifications are needed.

12. More personalized care options

A big benefit of residential facilities is the level of care provided. However, aging in place allows for more personalized care since there are so many different options, including:

  • Adult day centers: centers for seniors to go to on weekdays that offer activities, classes, and meals.
  • Care provided by family and friends: Loved ones can provide assistance with what seniors need help with and wonderful social interaction.
  • Home health: medical assistance at home provided by a licensed medical provider.
  • Home care: non-medical care to provide transportation, help with cooking and cleaning, and help with their activities of daily living, such as bathing, grooming, going to the bathroom, and moving around.

Learn more about the 9 Different Types of Elder Care Services.

Aging in Place Organizations

As we’ve explored the benefits of aging in place, it’s important to acknowledge that there’s a wealth of resources out there to help make it a viable option.

Several respected organizations dedicate their efforts to supporting seniors who choose to stay in their homes, offering services, resources, and guidance to make the transition easier. These organizations play a crucial role in empowering seniors to enjoy the benefits we’ve just discussed.

The most reputable aging in place organizations are:

  1. Eldercare Locator: A nationwide service that connects older Americans and their caregivers with trustworthy local support resources.
  2. The National Council on Aging (NCOA): A respected organization committed to improving the lives of older adults, especially those who are struggling.
  3. USAging: Also known as the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging, this organization is a network of over 600 agencies that provide services to older adults in their local areas.
  4. National Aging in Place Council (NAIPC): This council provides practical resources for aging in place, focusing on health, housing, finance, and transportation needs.
  5. Office for the Aging: Government offices like these, often found at the state or county level, offer a variety of resources and services designed to assist seniors in aging comfortably at home.

Exploring what each of these organizations has to offer can be a great step in preparing for a successful experience with aging in place.

Pacific Angels Home Care can help seniors age in place

​​Pacific Angels Home Care can help seniors in Monterey, Santa Cruz, Aptos, and the surrounding areas age in place.

We are available as little or often as needed and tailor our services to each individual’s needs—we can provide assistance for what they need to be able to stay in their home.

Our kind and experienced caregivers can provide companionship care, safe transportation to appointments or to see friends and family, housekeeping, and help with running errands. We can provide assistance with grocery shopping, meal prepping, and cooking.

For seniors that need more help, we offer assistance with activities of daily living, such as bathing, grooming, dressing, going to the bathroom, and moving around.

Call us today at (831) 708-2876 or reach us online to learn more about how we can help seniors age in place.

Grace Newman

Grace Newman is a freelance writer for hire and tutor from Danville, Illinois. She is a recent graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Communication and was an editorial intern and editor for Parlia (a Wikipedia of opinions website). Currently, Grace writes about online education at her blog When she isn’t writing, she loves playing card games, having picnics, and binging her latest TV show obsession.

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